Travel Muses - Andy's Travel Blog
muse [myooz] : 1. to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject. 2. to gaze meditatively or wonderingly. ( What inspires travel? Many would say there’s an element of discontent that leads one to travel beyond their own borders. Others say that man works best when there is a journey ahead. Others, seeing family. For me, it’s elements of all of these (non-committal I know). I enjoy meeting people of different cultures and seeing how they do life. I like seeing them interact with their friends and laugh with one another. All of this seems pretty idealistic, and with good reason. Many in eastern thought would say that when we meet other cultures and learn their customs, even if we choose not to adopt them, it moves us closer to our most ideal version of self. I don’t know about all that, but suffice it to say that it is hard for me to return from any trip unchanged. There are many who have caused me to stop and think about traveling and inspired me along the way. Some have simply posted a video and wouldn’t know me from Adam, others I’ve connected with via Twitter and will meet in 2013. I thought I’d share them with you. Matt Harding ( Matt Harding, an American from Connecticut, was working for a video game developer in Brisbane, Australia, when he decided to take a year or so off and go travel Asia with some buddies. He had a goofy... read more