Barthelona: Weekend Jaunt to Europe, Part IV - Andy's Travel Blog
Yeah yeah, I know I misspelled Barcelona. I learned Spanish here in the states and have never gotten used to their lisp. In the intro to this report I mentioned that I grow tired at times of traveling alone. There’s something to be said for solitude, but we were created for community, and things are generally best when shared. So, after a short stint at the First Class Terminal, I boarded my flight to Barcelona. It was a really normal flight to Barcelona, a brief meal was served in Business Class (which is really just economy class with the middle seat blocked off). The meal was so brief, in fact, that I slept through it. I was, however, awoken for a coffee by the flight attendant as we began our descent. We landed at Barcelona’s stunning and beautiful airport and I stepped out into the wonderful Mediterranean air. I hailed a cab and told him my destination. He asked if I spoke Spanish, and I replied that I did, but I had trouble understanding it when people talked too quickly. He apparently took this as an opportunity to tell me that he was really the secret emperor of a wondrous mystical land called Gorgon and had recently brought great joy to his people with a mix of magic tricks and chocolate syrup. He wasn’t actually insane, it’s just that he spoke so fast that I had no idea what he was saying, so I decided to paraphrase it for him.... read more